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Contact Info
198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
+88 (0) 101 0000 000


Shufra Institute

Shufra Institute, an accredited 501(c) non-profit organization, was established fifteen years ago to facilitate the publication of my works on the Torah, the Talmud and Jewish related topics. When these works are all published, the Institute will sponsor the publication of similar works by aspiring authors. Any revenues generated by this website and my published works will be dedicated to these sponsorships in perpetuity for the enrichment of Torah literature and scholarship.

The public is invited to participate in the projects of the Institute. You will earn the merit of sharing in creative advances in Torah on the highest levels, as well as my personal gratitude.


Destiny, the book

The sponsor will receive a dedication page in the front matter of the book. There will be no other dedication pages.

Sefarim, per volume

The sponsor will receive an extensive write-up in the Introduction to the sefer, including biographical information, genealogy and a listing of family members. This will serve as a permanent record for the family history for future generations. There will also be an acknowledgment of the sponsorship on the credits page and on the website. Honorable mention in the Introduction and on the website is also available for partial sponsors.

קיצור ספר מורה נבוכים להרמב”ם

פירוש אביר יוסף על חמש מגילות

פירוש אביר יוסף על ספר תהלים

שופרא דשטרא מהדו”ת 

שופרא דטענתא

שופרא דחזקתא

שופרא דקנינא

ספר אביר יוסף על פרקי אבות

הגהות אביר יוסף על דפי הש”ס

הגהות אביר יוסף על ספר תקפו כהן להש”ך

For information and arrangements, contact us:

What I do